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In the Realm of Images: Illustration of Polish children’s books

Fyrirlestur Pólska starfið Börn Eldri borgarar Fjölskyldur Fullorðnir Unglingar
  • , Bókasafn Hafnarfjarðar
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In the Realm of Images: Illustration of Polish children’s books through history – introduction to exhibition
Polish children’s books are known for their remarkable and inspired style of illustrations, and has been celebrated in Polish popular culture for the last few centuries. This form of illustrations began to flourish between the first and second World War.
After regaining its independence in 1918, Poland invested a lot in education. The first Polish publishing house specialising in children’s books, Nasza księgarnia (Our Bookshop), was founded in 1929 and is still publishing today.
In the 1960s the world took notice in the Polish School of Illustration, the same as for the Polish School of Posters, which had displayed great results and success among younger readers. Today, Poland has many illustrations, full books and single pieces, along with posters and other accessible art to pride itself of due to the specific art movement that elevated children’s material. This introduction to Polish children’s illustrative art is lead by Mrs. Margherita Bacigalupo-Pokrusznska, and the exhibition was conceived and realized by the Embassy of Poland in Reykjavik.
Í heimi myndmálsins: Myndskreytingar í pólskum barnabókmenntum – kynning á sýningu.
Pólskar barnabókmenntir eru þekktar fyrir einstakan og innblásinn stíl í myndskreytingum og hafa fest sig í sessi sem miðpunktur í pólskri alþýðumenningu síðustu aldir. Sú tegund myndskreytinga sem þekktust er í dag varð til á millistríðsárunum, í beinu framhaldi af menntastefnu hins nýja, sjálfstæða Póllands eftir 1918, þegar að sérhæfðar barnabókaútgáfur urðu til þarlendis. Á sjötta áratugnum hóf svo pólsk barnamenningarmyndlist að hljóta verðskuldaða athygli, sem og pólsk veggspjaldalist, sem virtist ná vel til yngri lesenda.
Í dag getur Pólland státað sig af fjölda myndverka sem falla undir sértæka barnamenningu, og verður þessi list kynnt fyrir áheyrendum. Verkefnið er leitt af Margheritu Bacigalupo-Pokrusznska. Kynningin var hönnuð með aðkomu sendiráðs Póllands í Reykjavík.