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anna + hittingar

Anna Invites x Hittingarnir/The Meet-ups: BBQ and games!

Anna's Ladies Hittingarnir / The Meet-Ups Karlar Konur / women
  • , Víðistaðatún
Join us at Víðistaðatún where we play a game of Kubb, eat some food, lounge in the sun (hopefully!) and stare at ducks. Anna invites you and The Meet-Ups hold their final events together.
Meet at us at Víðistaðatún park at 1pm.
We will be stationed at the communal grill near the pond.
Hot dogs and vegan versions available until….we run out!
Anna býður þér og Hittingarnir slá til samfögnuðar!
Þann 18.maí bjóðum við upp á grillaðar pylsur – grænkerapylsur einnig í boði- eins lengi og birgðir endast og leikum okkur.
Always free of charge and open to all / Ávallt ókeypis og ávallt öll velkomin.